Friday, December 17, 2010

Something Wicked [poem]

Something wicked this way comes,
gas masks on, they carry their guns.
For freedom, they march
for the nation, they bark.

Yet who am I to question the game?
They pay all my bills, give me a name,
watch me as I'm walking home,
make me think my property's my own.

And yet I feel this sudden urge
to free myself, to fight and purge,
not just for myself but loved ones too,
and try to squeeze my foot into shoe.

But a freedom fighter, sadly, I'm not.
I'm rather complacent stuck in this plot
of secrecy, lies, corruption and greed
until finally one day our visions are freed.

This piece came out of nowhere. I've been watching a lot of dystopian future type stuff lately though and am really beginning to notice similarities to our current political climate.

Regardless, I really felt a desire to write some poetry and this is basically what I had in mind. Nothing spectacular for certain but hopefully you enjoyed it.

Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Price of Christmas [poem]

Sunken, sullen eyes
Snotty, sniffeling noses
Sour, snakeskin lips

Surrounded by a sea of depressives
in the most wonderful time of the year
Drinking...cider with friends and family

Feigning interest
Waning relationships
Taking gifts and leaving

Bodies built up in a ball of bile and blood
and in the middle a crying boy
but only because he wanted that toy.

Not really sure where I was going with this. Walking around department stores lately though I've noticed this beaten and broken look in peoples faces. That was the general inspiration for the poem at least. The realization that, despite my complete adoration, this season takes a bigger toll on most than they may realize.

My first official post on RealityGrounded, I feel accomplished right now. Thanks for reading.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Ideas Abound

I realize I haven't really been doing much on here, hopefully that will change relatively soon. I currently have some really great ideas that I hope I can find some time to start working on. I should probably change my tagline that I've setup, my main use for this wordpress blog is that I want to experiment with some different writing styles and themes.

Really that's what Reality Grounded means to me, taking reality as it stands all around us and pushing beyond into a realm of free form creativity. As a writer I have come to the realization that I am, if not ambitious, strictly an amateur. I'm struggling to find a way for me to easily express my voice. I've started delving into more YouTube content as of late and hopefully will start finding the time to do the same here.

Even if no one were ever to read these words, I just want to make this a tool for expression and, again, experimentation. Hopefully somewhere along the line I will find something that I can truly say is unique to myself.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Cleaning Up

The internet is a pretty vast place as anyone who uses it on even rare occasions could attest to without any second-guessing. Now I’m the type of person who spends slightly more time than normal on the web, between social networks like twitter and tumblr and all the different blogs I read, I practically live on the damn thing. I even work from home; my only means of communicating with my colleagues being via email and instant messaging, with all my work being done over a phone helping customers out using a VPN that connects me to the work server.

Now I’m not trying to say that being on the internet as often as I am is necessarily a bad thing, far from it, in fact I absolutely love how easy it is to stay connected to everything going on the world near instantaneously. What I am trying to say, though, is that when you dig around on the internet enough you start to accumulate logins, passwords, usernames and emails so on and so forth. Much like real life (those still exist right?) things can start to get cluttered and messy. Just as you turn on your handy little roomba to scourge your floors looking for debris to clean up, you should also go through and do the same on the internet ever so often. I’ve made the mistake in the past of creating too many email addresses for different websites only to forget about them later because I had no need to use that website anymore. So now I’ve got emails linked to my name that pull up websites I don’t want to be associated with (and no I don’t mean porn) but just stupid places which I can’t unsubscribe from anymore due to inactive emails or forgotten passwords.

It’s okay and possibly even smart to have two, maybe even three, emails to use for personal and work related purposes. Things you need to watch out for though are signing up for emails/websites you don’t need or won’t use more than once. Keep your personal email setup specifically for your social networks and keep business for purely that. Keep tabs on all your logins and the passwords associated with them also making sure to update those passwords once in awhile to keep them fresh in your memory. If you’re able to, delete any inactive emails or accounts for other sites, keep your profile close to who you are now and not who you were five years ago.

Anyway, I’ve just been rambling here about nothing in particular. Mostly just working on my writing ability, specifically writing about something I’m quite fond of…may recap this post later with bullet points.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Staying Positive

Through the power of positive thinking I had altered the course of events in my life in the past; lately this ability had seemed to be dwindling as though I had used up all my positive energy. Now a time has arisen where I feel the need to alter my  life once again. Here’s what I’m trying to do:

I’ve said this before but I feel the need for this more now than ever. I want a new job. Not just any job mind you but something I could potentially make a career from. I want to make great pay, great benefits, great hours and most importantly I want it to be something I really really LOVE to do.

Secondly, I really really really want to be free of all financial troubles. I want to be debt free. Like 100% totally debt-free on all areas. No more car payments, no credit card debt, no best buy credit card debt…just totally abolish all outstanding finances.

Third, I also really want to get a grip on the whole school thing. I need to find out what sorts of classes I’m going to need to pursue my career of choice full-time. I want to be a web-writer and one day an author/screenwriter perhaps.

Finally, and probably the most difficult on here…is I want all of this to happen within the next 6-12 months, or even sooner if possible…especially the one about work.

So…I’ve said some of things already but I feel the need to repeat myself. I’m going to keep doing this too and over time as each item on the list happens, I can check it off and move on to the next.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Things that I want:

I want a new job, one working for a company that I absolutely love and where I actually enjoy working. Something where I make great money doing what I love. Perhaps somewhere as a photographer or as a writer, maybe even both combined.

I want to finally move out of my parent’s house and into an apartment with my future wife. I want to move into an affordable place that is located near my school and place of employment.

I want to get started in all the necessary classes I need to pursue my career as a fulltime web writer/author.

I want to finally be free of my financial worries. I want to be debt free and never have to worry about paying bills again. I want to pay off my car and any other outstanding debts.

Most of all though. I want all of these things in the very near future. I want to have these things happen within the next six months. Ambitious? Damn right! Impossible? Never!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Where to Begin

I recently started this site up with no real ideas as to what sort of subject I would be writing about. I’ve gone through so many blogs over the years trying to find a decent topic. It had to be something I was passionate enough to talk about on a day to day and something that people would actually enjoy reading. So far, I still have yet to find such a topic.

I will not let this discourage me however as I am determined to gain some form of recognition for my writing ability. I’m not even worried about my lack of grammatical prowess and, instead, will rely more on my words and actual subject matter to draw in the reader. This brings me to my next point, what sort of subject matter should I peruse?

I’ve tried doing small works of fiction, journalistic type recounts of my life and even a hyper-stylized journal/narrative which I had planned on even making up a semi-fictional future for myself in.

Alas, I either quickly lost interest or became too discouraged by lack of visitors to put much effort into anything in the past. Again though, I am determined not to become so maligned this time around. I've got a few ideas mulling around in my head and as of yet haven't decided on one yet. This blog will be different from my others somehow, it needs to stick out and grab some attention.

/fingers crossed