Yah, it's the same old story. Been away, haven't had time, blah blah blah
It's not really true though. I just haven't had the motivation to keep up a blog of any sort. It has been awhile though and I've decided to start working on it again. I've also started up a third blog (I'm an idiot, clearly) to chronicle any updates with a new little project/company I'm starting.
Bum/Star, or Bum and Star Productions, is something I have had rolling around in my head for a long time now and am really just starting to get put it in motion. In any case, things will be getting updated a bit more periodically now.
Keep an eye out here, Bum/Star, to see what's going on with that stuff. Just put up a small post detailing what it's going to involve. It's really everything I've said I was going to do with Reality Grounded but I'm rebranding it basically to keep it more uniform and in line with some other stuff. Reality Grounded will probably remain a small part of the Bum/Star brand but, more or less anything involving new or creative media such as podcasts and videos will be Bum/Star branded. Reality Grounded is sort of a floater for now.
Same goes for AZ Rogue Travels.....haven't really had the energy to focus much on that lately either. I have been travelling a lot more recently but have sort of giving up on travel blogging. It was sort of a pointless endeavor on my behalf. I will keep the site up just for the hell of it but I'm not going to be pursuing keeping it active any longer. Maybe just make it into a sort of vacation picture blog or something. I dunno...
[edit] I just wanted to point out that I did also update the photography page on this blog. I now have a small little slideshow up for your enjoyment!
Anyway, thanks