Sunday, May 30, 2010
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Staying Positive
Through the power of positive thinking I had altered the course of events in my life in the past; lately this ability had seemed to be dwindling as though I had used up all my positive energy. Now a time has arisen where I feel the need to alter my life once again. Here’s what I’m trying to do:
I’ve said this before but I feel the need for this more now than ever. I want a new job. Not just any job mind you but something I could potentially make a career from. I want to make great pay, great benefits, great hours and most importantly I want it to be something I really really LOVE to do.
Secondly, I really really really want to be free of all financial troubles. I want to be debt free. Like 100% totally debt-free on all areas. No more car payments, no credit card debt, no best buy credit card debt…just totally abolish all outstanding finances.
Third, I also really want to get a grip on the whole school thing. I need to find out what sorts of classes I’m going to need to pursue my career of choice full-time. I want to be a web-writer and one day an author/screenwriter perhaps.
Finally, and probably the most difficult on here…is I want all of this to happen within the next 6-12 months, or even sooner if possible…especially the one about work.
So…I’ve said some of things already but I feel the need to repeat myself. I’m going to keep doing this too and over time as each item on the list happens, I can check it off and move on to the next.