I recently started this site up with no real ideas as to what sort of subject I would be writing about. I’ve gone through so many blogs over the years trying to find a decent topic. It had to be something I was passionate enough to talk about on a day to day and something that people would actually enjoy reading. So far, I still have yet to find such a topic.
I will not let this discourage me however as I am determined to gain some form of recognition for my writing ability. I’m not even worried about my lack of grammatical prowess and, instead, will rely more on my words and actual subject matter to draw in the reader. This brings me to my next point, what sort of subject matter should I peruse?
I’ve tried doing small works of fiction, journalistic type recounts of my life and even a hyper-stylized journal/narrative which I had planned on even making up a semi-fictional future for myself in.
Alas, I either quickly lost interest or became too discouraged by lack of visitors to put much effort into anything in the past. Again though, I am determined not to become so maligned this time around. I've got a few ideas mulling around in my head and as of yet haven't decided on one yet. This blog will be different from my others somehow, it needs to stick out and grab some attention.
/fingers crossed